DE12 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DE12 8 is a postcode sector in North West Leicestershire, UK. Below is a complete list of DE12 8 Postcodes (Active). DE12 8 postcode sector comprises of 122 active postcodes. DE12 8 sector has a population of 3740, and it has 1531 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DE12 8 postcode sector

DE12 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3740
Addresses / Property Count 1531
Active Postcodes 122
Nearby Postcode Districts 24
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of DE12 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 122 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DE12 8AA 52.69030100 -1.54888800 2 3 430588 310386
DE12 8AB 52.69695300 -1.56052400 2 4 429797 311121
DE12 8AD 52.70270400 -1.55512400 2 2 430158 311763
DE12 8AE 52.71095900 -1.55356000 2 5 430258 312682
DE12 8AF 52.70415800 -1.54975200 9 22 430520 311927
DE12 8AG 52.71504900 -1.55334000 1 2 430270 313137
DE12 8AH 52.70918200 -1.54249200 3 6 431007 312489
DE12 8AJ 52.71467400 -1.55629600 14 29 430071 313094
DE12 8AL 52.71530200 -1.55862200 1 4 429913 313163
DE12 8AN 52.69007100 -1.55696800 N/A N/A 430042 310357
DE12 8AP 52.71738900 -1.56100600 6 51 429751 313394
DE12 8AQ 52.71251400 -1.55547400 N/A N/A 430128 312854
DE12 8AR 52.71994600 -1.57477200 2 5 428819 313673
DE12 8AS 52.72362800 -1.57862200 7 20 428557 314081
DE12 8AT 52.72295300 -1.58326200 3 7 428244 314004
DE12 8AU 52.70733300 -1.55503200 N/A N/A 430161 312278
DE12 8AW 52.71556100 -1.55784100 12 23 429966 313192
DE12 8AX 52.71596700 -1.55835500 10 24 429931 313237
DE12 8AZ 52.74981100 -1.64329700 N/A N/A 424174 316970
DE12 8BA 52.68697000 -1.56420400 N/A N/A 429555 310009
DE12 8BD 52.71540400 -1.57899700 5 15 428537 313166
DE12 8BE 52.72835400 -1.58299700 10 26 428258 314605
DE12 8BG 52.72421400 -1.59718300 6 19 427303 314139
DE12 8BH 52.72339200 -1.60922800 6 42 426490 314043
DE12 8BJ 52.71626100 -1.57975800 42 92 428485 313261
DE12 8BL 52.72016500 -1.59099600 5 12 427723 313691
DE12 8BN 52.71550800 -1.57785600 17 27 428614 313178
DE12 8BP 52.71480000 -1.57862700 33 63 428562 313099
DE12 8BS 52.71492100 -1.57978000 1 2 428484 313112
DE12 8BT 52.71485700 -1.58695100 9 21 428000 313102
DE12 8BU 52.71432800 -1.60334300 4 15 426893 313037
DE12 8BW 52.71453900 -1.57830900 22 51 428584 313070
DE12 8BX 52.71244300 -1.59626400 6 14 427372 312830
DE12 8BY 52.71673300 -1.57861400 42 106 428562 313314
DE12 8BZ 52.71272900 -1.57742400 10 22 428645 312869
DE12 8DA 52.71441400 -1.57594200 21 84 428744 313057
DE12 8DB 52.71651900 -1.57678900 36 89 428685 313291
DE12 8DD 52.71427300 -1.57693500 3 7 428677 313041
DE12 8DE 52.71392200 -1.57706600 18 36 428668 313002
DE12 8DF 52.71242500 -1.57282300 24 52 428956 312837
DE12 8DG 52.73524600 -1.63658000 8 27 424636 315352
DE12 8DH 52.69071600 -1.58072800 5 13 428436 310419
DE12 8DJ 52.68188200 -1.57661200 1 2 428720 309438
DE12 8DL 52.69875400 -1.58364100 11 73 428234 311312
DE12 8DN 52.68698200 -1.58012200 3 5 428479 310004
DE12 8DP 52.69974100 -1.57821500 4 10 428600 311424
DE12 8DQ 52.70276100 -1.57797900 15 45 428614 311760
DE12 8DR 52.71405200 -1.57787000 9 30 428614 313016
DE12 8DS 52.69946700 -1.57934200 N/A N/A 428524 311393
DE12 8DT 52.70009400 -1.57888700 N/A N/A 428554 311463
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